Monday, 6 April 2009


One of the top subjects on Twitter last night was "Jesus". Thinking that this sounded like an interesting strand, I had a look at what was being posted. About half the posts were by people who were referring to Jesus Christ in some way, but the other half were people using the name as an expletive. As a Christian, I do find this use of our Lord's name in this way somewhat offensive, yet there is also something positive there too.

Most frequently used swear words refer to something that is essential to life, or at least of major significance - I won't list the ones that come to my mind, but think about it! The people who use "Jesus" as a swear word may well say that he is not essential to or significant in their lives, yet how then does the use of his name add anything to what they are saying? Any other word would do just as well. Perhaps the way that we will know when Jesus really becomes insignificant is when the use of his name to vent anger is replaced by "Mobile Phone!!!"

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